Part of the problem with the Germany health insurance system, is that for private insurance, users are unable to roughly compare how much others in a similar situation are paying for their insurance. This is actually quite an important piece of information, knowledge of which can help you negotiate a more competitive quote. To this end, we have created an anonymous tool to allow our site's readers to discover how much their fellow expatriates and German nationals are contributing, on average. Use the form below to enter your own details and see how your monthly amount compares to others in the same insurance category as yourself.
This tool is completely anonymous (we collect no personally identifable data) and is used only for foreigners to gain a rough estimate of the average private insurance rates paid for by their peers with equivalent relevant life circumstances.
By accurately filling out the form, the data you enter will be anonymously stored and used as feedback into the tool to provide a more accurate reading for other users.
Private Health Insurance Comparison Results
NOTE: this monthly rate has been calculated from the input of people like yourself who have provided us with the data requested above. As such, this is an estimate based on the data made available to us at the time of calculation (with statistical techniques employed to ensure the integrity of the data). The Eye Newspapers does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of this estimate and caution its use in real-world applications. Users accept full responsibility for their usage of this estimate.